Pouring gutters

Pouring gutters – the simple receiving of grapes:
All of our pourig gutters we provide in different varantes:
- Feed with small boxes or standard boxes
- further processing to a de-stemmer in an existing plant
- upright to a stand alond de-stemmer
- Lenght: 1250 mm
- Width: 1470 mm
- Height front: 2012 mm
- Height rear: 2177 mm
Intermediate sizes on request – we gladly advise you individually!
- Designed completely in stainless steel
- Equipped with freely supported feed screw (diam. 180 mm to diam. 300 mm)
- Frame parts bent to the outside
- Mechanically or electronically adjustment of speed
- Continous and quantitave synchronized feed of grapes
- Charge with small boxes, standard-boxes, trailers
- Variable speed gear – option
- Customized variations of setting